Wednesday, November 23, 2005

UPDATE: Bro. Jim's Condition

Brother Jim underwent angioplasty to insert a stent in his circumflex artery. He is at home, resting comfortably, and is deeply thankful for all of your prayers.

Thank you everyone out there who went before the Throne on our Pastor's behalf.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Prayers are Coming in From ALL OVER

After recieving news of Bro. Jim's condition, I posted a request for prayer on a religious message board.

People from across America have been chiming in with written prayers and encouragement.

Here's a sample:

Lord, be with this man, who has worked for you in loving faith. Be with those who love him as they wait and worry and pray. Bring your healing touch to all those, and guide the hands of those who care for him, and to all who listen to your voice, O Lord, touch them with your peace. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

I pray that your pastor may recover fully. May the Lord bless him and hold him.

May God quickly help you to heal, Brother Jim. And may you keep on preaching for years to come.

Prayers being sent for this man who is so dear to you, and to the spreading of God's word.

Gracious Lord, please heal Rev. Witherington of his chest pain problems and bring him back to good health if it be your will. Thank You for Your Son and Calvary.

God takes care of His own! Prayers for Pastor Jim, his family and friends. May God hold Jim safely in His protective and loving embrace, comfort his family and uplift their spirits. Amen.

More can be seen at the following link:

Monday, November 21, 2005



Our pastor, Rev. James Witherington, of East Acres Baptist Church, Millington, TN, was just admitted to Methodist North Hospital in Memphis, TN, for CHEST PAINS.

He has been preaching the gospel for over 50 years.

I have seerved under his ministry as Youth Leader for the past 7 years.

He is a great man of God and I BEG my fellow Believers to join us in prayer for Bro. Jim.